It got me thinking about just other things in my life and I find that being intentional is a HUGE part of really getting things done, especially in a life full of craziness.
I'm a lister...I make lists (obviously, hence the start of this blog!). However, I have found that if I make lists, then I'm clearly committing to the things I intend to do. If it's not on my list, then it's not something that gets done. It just doesn't happen. Listing things out for me is declaring intent. I AM going to do these things. I want to, I took the time to make a note of it, and I am now moving forward in making it happen...I love that realization. Do you make lists? How do you go about making things intentional in your life? Are you able to do it without lists or declarations--cause if you are, I want to know the secret!
So, in a transition...guess what this weekend is...BFFER DAY!!! I had made a note to plan at least one bffer day a month. This, in case you don't know, is a day to spend with friends, the best of friends (BFFERS!), just hanging out and enjoying each other and what God has given to us in friendship. We can make crazy plans, we can sit around and veg, we can do whatever we want, as long as it's just being together. My bffers are who make me strong. My bffers are those who keep me sane. My bffers know all my secrets. They're amazing people. Seriously.
So, why wouldn't I want days to be with them and only them?! And, because we're always crazy busy, intending to get together, but never making it happen, scheduling bffer time is a must.
We're also killing two birds with one stone and going to Global Wildlife!
It's supposed to be a gorgeous day (highs in the low 70's! I think Spring is right around the corner!) and we're hoping the animals are loving life with us! Aren't those baby animals SO cute!!
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