Thursday, February 2, 2012

Checking in!

Hey ya'll!  It's been a crazy week of work, ministry and just plain busy, but I thought I'd share a couple of things that made me smile this week...



This was a picture taken of Beau and I at my ‘cheat meal’ at Southside Tuesday night.  I’m glad to report that I lost over 8 lbs in January—YAY—one step closer to my big goals!  I go to dinner with the fam most Tuesday nights and this little man is my favorite date (of course, him, and his little brother, Luke!).  We’re just SO cute! 









Kelly Purkey, one of my favorite NYC scrapbooking bloggers posted this on her blog this afternoon.  It totally made me smile, especially thinking about my happiness post from over the weekend.  It does take courage to be happy!  And, even in the midst of crazy, I’ll say it…I’m a happy girl! 

(Robin—Kelly Purkey is the person who informed me about Shake Shack—I TOTALLY owe her for rockin’ my world!)

Bffer Saturday this weekend…so, of course, fun to post soon!  We had plans to do an uptown NOLA trip, but the weather may not cooperate, so we may have to resort to plan B.  (Which, of course, we don’t really have!)  No matter what, though, it will be fun with the bffers! 

Enjoy your day, friends!


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