Well, rain altered our plans for bffer day this month, however, I think we came out on top and the sun was shining (at least in my head!)!
First things first…we had to eat (I told ya’ll—it’s what we do). Steaks and Shakes (which was renamed by Chris and Erin, FYI) opened up in Covington, so we had to try it. I’ll say this. We weren’t impressed. Although, the shake part of the day was worth a lot of the grief and hassle. My delicious chocolate covered strawberry was YUMM-O, however as I think about weighing in tonight…hmmm…we’ll not go there right now.
Looky, looky, who came and surprised his cute little girlfriend!! Our lawyer bffer, Christian, surprised Emily, on his rare day off of classes. We were SO excited to get to see him and have them join us for lunch. He had an 8 page law brief to write so it cut their day with us a little short, but, we were glad they came and joined us…we love bffer Christian S!
After we left Steaks and Shakes we went back to Erin and Joe’s for some movie time. We watched Transformers: Dark of the Moon.
I’ve never seen any Transformers movies, but I have to tell you…I think I’m a fan. ;) The movie was good and I liked seeing Tad Hamilton in it. Oh, come on, everyone knows that Josh Duhamel will always be Tad Hamilton in any movie he plays in, right?!
*sigh* dreamy…I’ll try to ignore the fact that he’s married to Fergie. Ew.
One of the best parts of the day was that night! YAY!!! Erin and I got to go to the Matt Maher/Audrey Assad concert. They played at St. Timothy’s in Mandeville. The church was weird. I’ll say that. Hello, there was no kneelers. Geez, good Catholics can’t sit in pews without kneelers!! Then, I found little communion shot glasses. Um, no, that is not how communion goes, people! Okay, I’ll stop my judging and let this speak for itself…
As I was waiting for the concert to start, I found this envelope in the back of the pew by the hymnal. hahahahahahaha…someone found the services very lacking, apparently. That is awesome.
My favorite songs Matt played were probably ‘Spirit and the Bride’ and ‘Every Little Prison.’ Love those songs. Audrey did NOT play ‘Love is Moving,’ so that was a big old bummer, but, she was great. I am still not a real big girl singer person (make that not really at all), but, Erin for sure loved it, so I was happy about that. And, the 2 Catholic references they slipped in—referring to Mama Mary and the Litany of Humility…that made me real happy, as well! ;)
I’ll leave you with this bible quote that stirred quite a lot in my heart after the concert: “The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come.' Let the hearer say, 'Come.' Let the one who thirsts come forward, and the one who wants it receive the gift of life-giving water.” Rev 22:17
Amen! So thankful for a blessed day with truly God-given friends and the Lord.
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