Okay, okay, I’m blowing your minds again, with 2 posts in one day…but, I landed upon this blog and I immediately now have a HUGE style crush on this blogger. Yes, not a crush-crush, but more of a like “I wish I was a size 4 and could wear the clothes you wear and have the jewelry you have and oh, also wear those heels you wear” sort of thing. But, instead, I’ll just dream of being that bourgie, skinny, and being able to wear heels like that. I can, however, rock some jewelry like nobody’s business…so, at least I got one thing going for me!
Oh, and I know this is going to sound probably some sort of weird, or whatever, but, I’m not going to lie, I’ve said it before and I’ll have to say it again…people in Utah (yes, usually they’re Mormons) are so flippin’ pretty. What is it that it’s in the water there?! It kills me…ask me about that later if you’ve never heard me have this conversation before…
Here’s her blog and some of my fave outfits/styles: Pink Peonies
Seriously…is she not the prettiest? The jewelry, though, the jewelry…I. Die.
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