Thursday, April 19, 2012


This is a huge reason why I’m leaning towards Paris as my 35th birthday trip…




The blog Little Brown Pen has images of Paris like this everyday that really just make me first, sigh, then put my hand under my chin for a second and daydream about just sitting and BEing there.  I could just sit there for hours…


I’m in a constant state lately of wanting to ‘be’ places.  Not necessarily having to be doing things, but just sort of ‘taking it all in.’  We did this in San Diego and it made me oh so happy, and now, I find myself trying to do that here in my normal life more. 


But, dreaming about BEing in Paris…now, that’s one that I’ll keep doing all the time!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Karly’s Birthday…Luke!

Today is my sweet friend, Karly’s birthday!  She is one of my two besties that I work with—she’s fab and super bourgie and that’s why I love her!  One of her favorite things to do is be a foodie, so today for her birthday lunch, she wanted to go to Luke, one of the John Besh restaurants.  The atmosphere was old and neat and the food was too yummy.  All in all, I give it a thumbs up!

    They had a great old bar that was pretty sweet…who doesn’t like a big bull head staring down at you at dinner? 

The floors were awesome—they were all this old hard wood that apparently was brought in when he re-designed the place and it had this great vintage design in them.  It almost seemed nautical to me.

Who doesn’t like Diet Coke in old glass bottles?!?!  Um, no one.

I had the croque-madame, which was a ham and cheese sandwich, with an organic fried egg on top.  The yummy hand-cut french fries were amazing.  MMMMMM.


Cheesy, yummy goodness. 

Karly’s birthday lunch=success.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Remembering my 52 things…


Weekend Update…in Instagrams…

All day Saturday was spent lounging at my house…never left the house—amazing, right?!?!  It was a fabulous day—blue skies, gentle breeze, no humidity, 80 degrees…sent from heaven!!  I stayed out back on the water reading for the good majority of the day.  I’m telling you again, HEAVEN!  An early Easter present!


Yesterday, I stayed home for a while, then went out to see my two favorite boys in town, to celebrate Easter with them.  How cute are they?!  Beau and Lyric had a great time being cousins and played outside in Beau’s new pool Mimi and Ya bought him.  Baby Luke wasn’t as excited about his new pool (he did NOT like Beau and them splashing down that slide!), but, of course, he was excited about being held! 


Now, aren’t the Instagrams fun?!  I’m still learning about what to do and trying to figure it all out, but my vintage-loving heart loves them.  *happy sighs*


This past weekend was one of solitude, peace and just joy.  Being single and by myself stinks alot of the time (ask me how I was feeling on Thursday—not good, AT ALL!), but really, I felt like God gave me such a renewed heart this weekend.  I felt alot of strength and just mercy given to me and really almost felt like he was sort of building me up so I’d be joyful in the midst of all this week and any other crazy week has to throw at me.  It’s times of feeling His true love like this, that makes me SO, SO thankful about the reality of my Savior dying for me.  I mean, for me, for YOU, for all of us.  How awesome is that??!!  He lives!!  YAY!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Random Thoughts…

Okay, so I thought while I had a minute to spare, I’d share some of my random thoughts on this VERY wet and dreary and sort of yuck Wednesday morning…

First off…this happened:

EEEEEK!!!  How excited am I?!  Instagram is now an Android app.  If you know me, you know I love some Instagram pictures and you know I love my Android.  So, now, I can be SO SO in love with Instagram on my very own phone.  Be prepared for lots of Instagram pics on this blog.  Cause they rock my world.



Speaking of rocking my world…on my birthday, the girls from work took me to lunch.  We had delicious sandwiches from the St. James Cheese Company (be still my heart, that brie!) and then….drum roll please, we knocked off another thing on my list!!  We went to Creole Creamery!!!  Um, it really was the greatest. 

Wait—do you love how it’s the old McKenzie’s bakery?!  I love NOLA history like that.  Makes me happy.   And, the color green on the building, that seriously makes me happy.  I’m a sucker for cute color.


That statement above pretty much sums it up, right?!  I mean, come on, ice cream makes anyone happy.  And, if you’re wondering, I had a scoop of chocolate amaretto cheesecake and a scoop of petit four ice cream.  De. Lish.  And, yes, the bffers MUST go back with me.  I decided.

Hmmm…what other thoughts must I leave you with today??? 

I’ve been working my tail off with my Thirty-One parties, and they are proving to be a lot of fun!  I had one last night and got to see about 10 girlfriends from high school.  Great times seeing us all ‘grown up.’  Definitely a blessing. 

Dinner with Dad’s side of the fam for my birthday tonight at Copeland’s.  More food.  Wow.  Can my stomach handle it?!  I really just want to eat apps and desserts.  I think I might.  Why?  Cause it’s my birthday.  And if you can’t do that on your birthday, when can ya?!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Style Crush

Okay, okay, I’m blowing your minds again, with 2 posts in one day…but, I landed upon this blog and I immediately now have a HUGE style crush on this blogger.  Yes, not a crush-crush, but more of a like “I wish I was a size 4 and could wear the clothes you wear and have the jewelry you have and oh, also wear those heels you wear” sort of thing.  But, instead, I’ll just dream of being that bourgie, skinny, and being able to wear heels like that.  I can, however, rock some jewelry like nobody’s business…so, at least I got one thing going for me!

Oh, and I know this is going to sound probably some sort of weird, or whatever, but, I’m not going to lie, I’ve said it before and I’ll have to say it again…people in Utah (yes, usually they’re Mormons) are so flippin’ pretty.  What is it that it’s in the water there?!  It kills me…ask me about that later if you’ve never heard me have this conversation before…

Here’s her blog and some of my fave outfits/styles:  Pink Peonies





Seriously…is she not the prettiest?  The jewelry, though, the jewelry…I. Die.

Birthday time!

Can you believe it?!  I know I can’t…but…I’m 32!!  I am very, very, very blessed and happy happy. 

These beauties were waiting for me on my car this morning, from my sweet Dad and stepmom.  They match my outfit, too, p.s.  And, yes, I got dressed before I saw them.  How did anyone know that I would *love* (or for that matter, be wearing) PINK?!  ;)

I’ll start off by saying sorry that I’ve been a bad blogger.  I left for San Diego, got back, and it’s been a whirlwind of my new Thirty-One business, trying to figure out how to add that into my life, and then continue on with my regular, normal, everyday crazy life.  I don’t know, I’m trying to get it together, but sometimes, I just have to accept that I can’t do it all!  And, that it’s okay that I can’t!

Yesterday, I had a birthday celebration with this cutie…we went to the Chimes and it was a gorgeous day, perfect for celebrating!  He had to have Nanny’s sunglasses for the ride, because the sun was just ‘too bright’.  We both bought new pairs of sunnies afterwards when we went to Old Navy and Stein Mart.  What can I say, the kid has good taste! 

I have another family celebration planned for Wednesday night, along with a birthday lunch today with my work girls.  I’m hoping to do something with my friends when we can all get back together…everyone had out of town plans so it didn’t work out to do something this past weekend.  Easter is this coming weekend, so I’m not sure when, but I’m sure eventually, we’ll do more celebrating.  It may be better, too, to spread out all that eating!  ;)



Just to recap some of my other recent adventures…last Thursday, I volunteered with Jazzy for Samaritan’s Feet.  I had wanted to do some extra volunteering for Lent, and they were in town for an event with the NCAA Final Four, which New Orleans was hosting.  We went to Martin Luther King Charter School in the Lower 9th Ward, and they were planning on giving away about 900 pairs of shoes to the kids there.  Samaritan’s Feet washes the feet of all the children before they put on their new pair of shoes, just as Jesus did for his disciples.  A lot of times this is one of the few times they get to hear just how loved and special they truly are, one on one.  We didn’t get to be there, unfortunately, for the feet washing or shoe giveway (our shift was the early, set-up shift), but DEFINITELY plan on getting involved volunteering with them again, when they are back in town for the Superbowl next year.  Such a great organization and a blessed experience. 


Way cool, right?!

Oh, and did I mention, the fish frys are DONE?!  I know, I know I complain about it, but, really, I love getting to hang out with some of my favorite people, Brandon, Ryan and Amelia.  Erin, Joe and some others are faithful helpers, too, so really, it’s sort of a win-win situation for me.  Except for taking out that trash.  Ew.  That’s pretty disgusting.

No, I really don’t know what he’s doing in this picture.

And, yes, I will post about San Diego one day…I swear it!  ;)