Thursday, January 16, 2014

Made to Crave...back in the groove...

Well, I'm not sure anyone is reading my blog (since its been forever since I last posted!), but, I did want to challenge myself to get back in the zone with blogging and with my biggest challenge right weight loss.  I am starting an online bible study through Proverbs 31 ministry that will go with the book 'Made to Crave' by Lysa Teurkeurst.  I have read the book and I really liked the style and just the overall message behind it.  I joined the study, because I thought that it would be a good companion to my weight loss journey with Weight Watchers.

For those of you wondering, no, I never left Weight Watchers in the past couple of years, but unfortunately, I've just been handing them my money each month and slowly watching my weight creep back up.  I've realized that losing weight for me isn't that I can't do it, I just have to be really vigilant about it.  I KNOW I can do it, I KNOW I can do anything with God beside me, however, its that real WANTING to do it. 

I think after I lost so much on WW the first time, I got tired--you almost get to a point where its overwhelming and you feel like, gosh, am I ever not going to have to count points, worry about food, want food, that sort of thing.  And, after seeing myself now, after that first journey, I think the answer is not yet, at least for me.  I have to get into my heart what that desire for food really is, what voids I'm filling with it, and really, what's triggering some of it.  I want to be healthier, I want to be thinner, and I don't want the food or my desire for it to define me.  Hopefully this bible study is the first step into that direction to see where God can lead my heart and help my weight loss journey. 

Want to join me (did I mention its FREE?!)?  See this link for information on the study: 

Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Studies

I'd love for any friends and family to come along the journey with me...and hopefully I can make some new friends along the way!  :)